Knight And Hale Discuss Hunting Turkeys During Transition Period 5
0:35 David: Folks, we're discussing transition period number five today that turkeys go through. We've already gone through the first four. You pick a state, pick a date and pick the zone that you're in and we're going to tell you exactly what transition period those turkeys are in and how to hunt them. And Harold, this could be a tough time; it can be an easy time. What are these turkeys doing this time?
0:54 Harold: Well, David, the gobblers are getting back together. They're tolerating each other right now a little more. And they are hanging around nesting areas. Maybe a big field or maybe a thick wood lot or cut over timber or something, where these hens are nesting. They are right now really in full mode to nest. I mean they're going to sit right there on that 28 days right now. They're waiting that for that old hen to get broke up. You know a lot of the nests, predators we got out there now will break these nests up. And when they do, they'll go back to gobbler a lot of times and he'll breed her again.
They don't have to. One breeding will work for the whole season of wild turkey. But I'm going to tell you something, that's what he's doing. He's hoping to get lucky right there.
1:42 David: Well one of the things I've noticed about this period: turkeys like to shock gobble more readily because each one of them are helping the other one to gobble. If you don't make turkeys gobble, turkeys make turkeys gobble.
1:51 Harold: That's right. When one gobbles, just everyone of them gobble.
1:56 David: So you might be good to try to call a turkey from a shock gobble standpoint, but how would I call these turkeys up this time of year?
2:03 Harold: Well, you know, if you..if one gets to gobbling, let's use this for a scenario, you hear one gobbling, really gobbling pretty often, that turkey right there can be called up. But if you were out there one morning and one gobbled on the roost, flew off, didn't gobble anymore, he is a tough dude to call up.
You gotta take in, right now you gotta remember, he's went through a whole hunting season and a lot of them, he's had some encounters with hunters that weren't all that good. Might have scared him. Might have shot at him. He might have heard a hunter call him up and they scared him. So this could be tough on that end of it too.
2:40 David: Tell me real quick, what kind of call would you use to call these turkeys up?
2:42 Harold: Well, I like to use something, maybe that sounds like a hen. I use a box call, mouth call, slate call. A tube call is a real good call
2:51 David: fighting purrs
2:52 Harold: That's right, fighting purrs or even a gobble call sometimes is good. I mean, you can use just about anything that time of year.
3:00 David: Well folks, there you have it. There's the five transition periods that the turkey go through. I think if you'll learn these and stick with it, you're going to be a lot better turkey hunter.
3:07 [Closing] |