Knight And Hale Discuss Hunting Turkeys During Transition Period 3
0:36 David: Folks, we're talking about transition periods again today. We're in number three. We've been through the previous first two transitions and these are the times turkeys change. Every 15 days there's some kind of a transition they go through, all dictated by the hen. The gobblers are just there following along doing whatever the hens tell them to do.
So we're looking at transition period number three. We're going to look at how to hunt them and we're going to tell exactly what they're doing. Harold, tell us what they're doing this time of year.
0:59 Harold: David, this is my favorite time, probably your favorite time to hunt wild turkeys.
1:03 David: Easiest time.
1:04 Harold: Well, it's the most fun time. This is sort of like the white tailed deer in full rut, peak of the rut. These turkeys are in the peak of their breeding season right now.
1:14 David: That's right.
1:15 Harold: And it's a fun time. This is when you take your winter clothes off, put your summer clothes on. The weather's warm. This is when gobble up in the day a lot. Afternoon hunting is great. This is when you can blind hunt with decoys or use decoys. This is when you just about hunt them any way because these turkeys are very vocal. This is when your hens start leaving gobblers about nine o'clock in the morning and go and lay an egg or some of them even sitting. And they get lonesome at that time. This is the time that you can really, really hunt turkeys hard up in the day and afternoon.
1:52 David: It's one of my favorite times because a lot of times turkey are on the roost by themselves and they'll come off that roost and come to you a whole lot. A lot of times they don't see a hen any part of the day because the hens are already sitting. And it's a time you can get away with calling just about any kind of way you want to. (turkey call) He's just waiting to nail a sound because he hadn't been without the hen very long, has he?
2:11 Harold: Well you start off on the roost, I like to use an owl call like most people do or a crow call. And up in the day when turkeys, you know, they're vocal up in the day. They'll answer a call up in the day.
2:22 David: A whole lot better.
2:23 Harold: Yeah. I like to use about three different kinds of calls. The owl call in the morning. Your crow all day long. (turkey call) And the cutting of a wild turkey hen. That's one of my three favorite ways to make a turkey answer a shock gobble.
2:37 David: Alright, how are we going to call them up?
2:39 Harold: Well, turkeys this time of year can be called up most anything sounds like a hen. And you can get loud this time of year or you can call soft. (turkey call) It just depends on the acoustics of situations out there. (turkey call) But this is the time of year, you got to remember now, your hens are laying or sitting around nine o'clock leading them gobblers. He's been with that hen all day. He's lonesome. So the first sound he hears, he's going to answer it probably. It might be a loud cutting sound. It might be a soft yelp. If he answers you, you're in business because he'll come to you most of the time.
3:13 David: Well there you have it folks. That's the calling and what the turkey's doing in transition period three. Ya'll come back next week and we're going to show you what they're doing in transition four because it's fixing to get a little tougher.
3:23 [Closing] |